Travel Brochure Rubric

Travel Brochure Rubric
Criteria: Incorporating gained knowledge of a particular European country into a thoughtful and informative project.
Still in Vermont (Does not achieve the standard)
Exploring New England (Nearly Achieves the Standard)
World Traveler (Achieves the Standard)
Travel Writer Extraordinaire (Achieves the standard with Honors)
1. Contains introduction to the country.
2. Contains a map of the country.
3. Contains five major tourist attractions.
4. Contains information on currency exchange.
5. Highlights places to stay (hotels, cities, towns)
6. Contains pictures.
7. Highlights important events for the traveler to be aware of off. (festivals, wars, elections, etc.)
Does not answer questions accurately or fails to address questions. Missing essential facts and details.
Answers at least three questions. Answers are vague or in need of more detail. No specific examples are given.
Answers all seven questions. Gives accurate detail and complete information on the country. Provides appropriate information for someone traveling to their chosen country.
Answers all questions with high quality, extra attention to detail. Information is current and provides a traveler with excellent assistance to travel in the country of choice.
1. How readable s the brochure?
2. Is it easy to understand?
3. Is it creative?
Brochure is sloppy and hard to read and understand.
Brochure is understandable, but lacks the appropriate wording. Missing creative elements.
Brochure is easy to read and understandable. It is creative and informative.
Brochure is easily readable and understandable. Superb creativity allows us to look at the country in a "new light".