Presentation Rubric

Presentation Rubric
Demonstrates his/her understanding of concept through:

Just Starting Out (Below the Standard)

Experience the Culture (Nearly meets the Standard)

Culture Guru (Achieves the Standard)

Hosts Travel Show (Exceeds the Standard)

Presentation Style 1. Is the presentation well thought out?
2. Does the presentation give correct information?
3. Can presenter be heard well?
4. Does the presenter make eye contact?

Presentation demonstrates poor planning and preparation. Presentation gives false, incorrect and/or appropriate information.
Presenter speaks in a voice too soft to hear
Presenter never makes eye contact

Presentation is nearly developed but lacks the extra initiative. Presenter gives required information but has some inaccuracies.
Presenter make speaks in a voice that is difficult to hear at times or directs voice in a specific direction
Presenter makes eye contact with the audience in an infrequent manner.

Presentation is well developed. Presenter uses interesting and creative ways to keep the audiences' attention. Presentation gives the correct and accurate information.
Presenter speaks in a voice that is easily heard and speaks to an entire audience.
Presenter makes constant eye contact with audience.

Presentation is imaginative, interesting and insightful to watch. Correct and accurate facts are presented. Exceeds the required information.
Speaks in a clear, concise tone.
Makes constant eye contact with various people.

Appearance and Quality

Presentation is sloppy and unprepared.

Presentation is understandable but hard to follow. Missing essential elements.

Presentation is easy to understand, creative and informative. It is presented in an effective manner.

Presentation is easily understandable and has superb creativity. Extra information on culture is included.

Presentation Content

Presentation contains none of the required elements.

Presentation contains few (4-5) of the required elements.

Presentation includes all required elements.

Presentation has all required elements and includes additional insightful information.
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